This is a train hold up!

The Old Patagonian Express Railway adds yet another attraction to its tourist circuit. On one hot January afternoon, the passengers who had boarded the train looked out their windows and saw a group of men on horseback, with their faces masked…
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History & legend of the Welsh Cake

Welsh cake, despite its name, did not come from Wales. Actually, it constitutes a sign of the strength of the first Welsh settlers who arrived in the Valley of the Chubut river and how they faced the difficulties the environment…
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The Whirlwind

The four elements of life are vital to understand the Mapuche viewpoint. The air symbolizes the force that pushes existence, although there are good winds and bad ones. Here you will find a particular character of their mythology. Meulén in…
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The Nahuelito Enigma

Reality or fiction? A reliable observation or a clever joke? Once again, we are faced with the dilemma of taking sides in a matter that, historically, has generated controversy. Does the aquatic creature known as Nahuelito exist in the Nahuel…
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