How to get from Buenos Aires to Esquel?
By Coach:
Don Otto (connecting in Trelew), Vía Bariloche (connecting in Bariloche), Andesmar and T.A.C. For prices and special offers, contact their websites.
Don Otto: In Buenos Aires 54-11-4311-0948. In Esquel 54-2945-453012
Via Bariloche: In Buenos Aires 54-11-4315-3122. In Esquel 54-2945-453528
Andesmar: In Buenos Aires 54-11-4313-3650. In Esquel 54-2945-450143
T.A.C.: In Buenos Aires 54-11-4313-3632. In Esquel 54-2945-455969
Bus Station in Esquel: 54-2945-451566
There are flights with either Aerolíneas Argentinas or Austral Líneas Aéreas from Buenos Aires.
Car (2 options):
1.- National Route N 3 to Bahia Blanca – Route 22 to Neuquen – Route 237 to Bariloche – 258 going by El Bolson, to Epuyen, about 20 km farther than Epuyen, to take National Route N 40 to Esquel. This road is fully paved. There is another option which is to follow along Route 258 passing Epuyen. This is a cobblestone road but it goes among the lakes so it is more colorful. It goes by Cholila, Lago Rivadavia, Lago verde (both in National Park Los Alerces) finally getting to Esquel. There is no difference about the length of the trip since this last leg is about 100 km long, same as if coming on route 40.
2.- National Route N 3 to Trelew, passing by Viedma – National Route 25 to Esquel. This option also offers a fully paved road. The difference is in the views. The road goes through the lower valleys of the rivers Rio Negro and Rio Chubut and then across the central tableland of the Province of Chubut.
In both cases the full trip is about 2000 km long. Remember petrol is cheaper in Patagonia. The price reduction of 50% starts at Sierra Grande if going via Trelew and at El Bolsón if going via Bariloche.
Note: Route 3 has a detour in the province of Buenos Aires, starting in Azul. That’s why, if you want to avoid it, you can leave Route 3 in Azul and take Route 76 to the route 51 going to Bahia Blanca, or continue on 76, go passing Sierra de la Ventana and get to Bahia Blanca through national Route N 33. Any of this options will save you 80 km.
Where to stay ?
Esquel is an important tourist center so you will find anything you need, from a 3 stars hotel to residentials and flats for temporary rent.
Distances in Kms. from/to Esquel
Buenos Aires: 1988
Bariloche: 272
Neuquén: 733
Puerto Madryn: 674
Trelew: 600
El Calafate: 1108
Ushuaia: 1937
Río Gallegos: 1373
Córdoba: 2000
To find out more about Esquel and its tourist attractions, please follow this link
For the first part of this Special Report about fishing in Esquel/Chubut, click here.