Patagonia, the immense region in the south of Argentina has still much to discover. Lands like these are unique in the world. Great extensions, diaphanous skies, infinite horizons and a land in an almost virgin state.
One such place is called Bay Creek, 130 km from the town of Viedma, in the Province of Río Negro, in the north of the San Matías Gulf. There is a grocer all year round and many families visit during the summer. Spectacular beaches sheltered by cliffs and dunes. Nearby is the Natural Reserve Caleta de los Loros.

Incredible sunsets full of seagulls, cormorants, dolphins and between June and November you can even watch right whales. In the summer (December to March) you can enjoy the beaches as the climate is hot during the day and with great thermal amplitude in the evenings. Good fishing area also. There is a small village of about 100 houses, most of which are used on weekends by the people of nearby Viedma and Patagones. The area is surrounded by immense fields and estancias.