Patagonian Cuisine

The vast Patagonian geography, its production, its immigrants and natives have permeated the land of the end of the world with delicious flavours. Cuisine, just like Patagonia itself, is very diverse. At the mountains, the typical dishes are prepared on trout, salmon, deer base and some dishes were brought by the immigrants from Central Europe: Chucrut, Raclette, Fondue, and others. It also had some influence in the gastronomy the food of the mapuches natives, the most known example is the Araucan Curanto. The central area has an essential element for food: lamb, it’s the same situation for the Atlantic coast that also has a strong presence of fish and seafood. Friends from all over Patagonia are already sending us their recipes, take a chance, try them and if you have any suggestion do not hesitate to contact us.