The whole area of the Correntoso, where is the lake, the river and the impressive hotel, is a jewels in the whole lakes region. In addition, before leaving “the Villa”, as the locals say, you should make a stop at the Laguna Verde Reserve, a peaceful and relaxing place.

Leaving Puerto La Angostura by a dirt road, in a few minutes you will reach the Laguna Verde Municipal Reserve, a beautiful place for resting and picnicking.
There is a flora interpretation circuit. Ahead, you will observe the small Lake Calafate and later El Cruce; try to locate the crossing with route 231 (it´s easy). You will pass several hotels until you reach the Puente del Río Correntoso (a bridge).
This is one of the shortest rivers in the world with a length of 300 meters.

After this, you will find the access to Lake Correntoso of green transparent waters and a sand beach, starting point for water sports as kayak, windsurf and swimming.
Charming hotels and cabins are available nearby. And don´t forget it is an excellent fishing spot.