This is a very easy recipe to fix, specially in summer.
Ingredients for 4 serves
*4 slices of sea salmon ( half a pound each)
*1 onion, chopped into very small pieces.
*1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
*1 coffee cup of olive oil
*1 lemon (juice)
*salt, white pepper
*4 boiled potatoes
*2 boiled carrots cut into slices
*a cup of milk
Get the slices of salmon into warm milk and salt for about 15 minutes.
Drain and add salt and pepper. Prepare a mixture with the onion, the
parsley, the juice of lemon and the oil. Put the salmon in this mixture and let it rest there for an hour, turning it round every now and then in order to get all the taste of the mixture.
Heat the pan or the grill and roast the fish. Serve it with the potatoes and carrots.
A cold, good white wine is recommended for this dish.
Elsa Jacquat.